

A concussion is a type of mild traumatic brain injury that is caused by a direct blow or violent shaking to the head. You don’t have to hit your head to sustain a concussion; a body hit or fall that doesn’t include your head hitting the ground can also cause one. Concussions may include a short loss of consciousness, but in most cases individuals who get a concussion remain conscious. Concussions are common in high contact sports but can occur as a result of a fall, a car accident, a workplace injury, or any other accident that causes an impact to the brain.

Man with concussion

Do you think you have experienced a concussion?

If you experience one or more of the following symptoms after an incident it may be a sign of a concussion. Some symptoms may not show up immediately, or may get worse over the first few days. Symptoms include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Concentration and memory difficulties
  • Confusion
  • Delayed response to questions
  • Difficulty remembering the incident
  • Dizziness
  • Headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
  • Irritability, anger or sadness that is unusual or out of proportion
  • Nausea
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Temporary loss of consciousness (less than 30 seconds)
  • Vomiting
Hospital sign

When should I go to the hospital?

Repeated vomiting, major changes in behaviour, personality, or speech, or a change in levels of consciousness (ex. losing consciousness for a long time or at any time other than immediately following the incident, or appearing unusually sleepy or hard to rouse) should be checked out in the emergency room to rule out a more significant brain injury.

Repeated vomiting, major changes in behaviour, personality, or speech, or a change in levels of consciousness (ex. losing consciousness for a long time or at any time other than immediately following the incident, or appearing unusually sleepy or hard to rouse) should be checked out in the emergency room to rule out a more significant brain injury.